- Project team:
Bechmann, Gotthard (Project leader); Christian Büscher
- Funding:
The KNOWLEDGE NBIC project was launched in Spring 2006 with the support of the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme.
- Start date:
- End date:
- Project partners:
The project is coordinated by Nico Stehr, Karl Mannheim Chair for Cultural Studies at Zeppelin University, Germany, and involves, in addition to the Zeppelin University team, research teams from the Universities of Warwick (UK) and Tel-Aviv (Israel), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (ITAS, Germany), the Polish Foundation for European Scientific Cooperation and The Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences in Vienna and Paris.
- Research group:
Knowledge society and knowledge policy
Project description
The KNOWLEDGE NBIC project was launched in Spring 2006 with the support of the European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme. The project is a study of the patterns of knowledge production of four key S&T fields, namely nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science. These fields, it is claimed, are converging, hence the term 'Converging Technologies' or NBIC to describe them.
The project is coordinated by Nico Stehr, Karl Mannheim Chair for Cultural Studies at Zeppelin University and involves, in addition to the Zeppelin University team, research teams from the Universities of Warwick and Tel-Aviv, ITAS Karlsruhe, the Polish Foundation for European Scientific Cooperation and The Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences in Vienna and Paris.
The KNOWLEDGE NBIC project partners are carrying out historical and sociological analyses of the changing field of NBIC in order to explore its institutional settings and research trajectories. The project also involves charting public debates and processes surrounding the introduction of specific policies for monitoring and regulating new knowledge and technologies.
Sovremennoe obshestvo : Obshestvo rizka, informacionoe obshestvo, obshestvo znanij
2010. Moskva : Logos, 2010
Die Beobachtung der Wissenschaft: Kognitive und normative Gehalte im Diskurs um die NBIC Konvergenz
2010. Rückkehr der Regulierung: Wissen, Theorie und Instrumente : Graduiertenkolleg 724 ’Auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft’, Bielefeld, 2.-3.Dezember 2010
The emerging of a new governance of knowledge. Knowledge politics
2009. The Social Sciences and Humanities : Research Trends and Collaborative Perspectives. Ed.: L. Pipiya, 168–187, Institut for the Study of Science of Russian Academy of Sciences
Converging technologies and NBIC as topics for “knowledge politics”
2009. Knowledge NBIC. Knowledge politics and new converging technologies: A social science perspective. Hrsg.: European Commission, 90–102, European Commission (EU)
Converging Technologies und NBIC als Gegenstand von Wissenspolitik?
2009. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 18 (2), 36–43
Converging technologies and NBIC as examples for knowledge politics
2009. Society for Philosophy & Technology. International Conference (SPT 2009), Enschede, Netherlands, July 7–10, 2009
Konvergierende Technologien und NBIC als Objekt von “Wissenspolitik”
2009. 9. aprentas-Forum (2009), Basel, Switzerland, November 24, 2009
Wissenspolitik am Beispiel von NBIC
2008. Workshop ’Wissensordnung und Technikgestaltung in der Wissenschaftsgesellschaft’, Karlsruhe, 10.-11.November 2008
Entscheidungsbezogene Wissenschaft? Neue Formen der Politikberatung
2006. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, (2006), (1), 16–19
The emerging of a new governance of knowledge: knowledge politics
2006. Workshop "Scientific Knowledge as Property" (2006), Florence, Italy, June 2, 2006
Institutional and epistemological changes of the knowledge production in the knowledge society
2006. Internat.University, Dubrovnik, HR, 7.Mai 2006
Converging technologies and their impact in a knowledge based society: a social science perspective
2006. Universität Dubna (2006), Dubna, Russia, February 27, 2006
Institutionelle und epistemologische Veränderungen der Wissensproduktion in der Wissensgesellschaft - das Beispiel Nanotechnologie
2006. Vortr.: Lomonossow-Universität, Moskva, Russia, Februar 2006