News 2016

News on publications you can find below.

Armin Grunwald, Head of ITASSearch for a final repository: ITAS head member of advisory group

The two houses of the German Parliament appointed Armin Grunwald to the national advisory group for the selection of a final repository site for highly radioactive waste. The group shall accompany the process as supervisor and mediator.

TATuP Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und PraxisNTA7: A milestone for the new TATuP

The new TATuP editorial board was constituted at the 7th conference of the Network TA. The editors presented their concept and the first call for papers for the new journal which will henceforth be published by oekom, starting in August 2017.

TAB logoGerman Bundestag decides to raise funds for the TAB

On 22 November 2016, the German Bundestag agreed in its resolution on the budget 2017 to the recommendation of the Committee on Budgets to increase the budget for scientific policy advice by the TAB.

individual hand prosthesis made by a 3D printerSTOA project on Additive Biomanufacturing

Customized, economic, exact – the possibilities of 3D printing seem to be promising for the biomedical sector too. ITAS coordinates a consortium to research the new technology on behalf of the European Parliament.

Handing over of the document NachhaltigkeitsmanagementSustainability in research institutions

The three major non-university research institutions in Germany are committed to taking a pioneering role in sustainability management. Their recently presented guidelines also bear the signature of ITAS.

openTA LogoSpecialist portal openTA goes into the second round

The German Research Foundation DFG funds the further development of the online portal of the German-speaking TA community. ITAS and FIZ Karlsruhe want to develop new services. A workshop on 16 November 2016 provides an opportunity for discussion.

TAB LogoExperts wanted on observation technologies in the field of civil security

In the TA project of the TAB, the relevant social questions and challenges are to be identified and analyzed on the basis of existing technical possibilities.

Tomas Michalek and Armin Grunwald (head of ITAS)ERA fellow from Slovakia visits ITAS

Strengthening the scientific relations between Germany and Slovakia in the field of TA and policy advice – to this end, ITAS welcomed Tomas Michalek from the Slovak Academy of Sciences for four weeks in Karlsruhe and Berlin.

ITAS Thematic evening technik.kontroversThematic evening "What is the price of the bean?"

On Thursday, 20 October 2016, at 6 p.m. the next session of the ITAS series of events "technik.kontrovers" takes place. Scientists and the audience discuss the challenge of assessing the sustainability of products.

Armin Grunwald head of institute ITASEthics committee on automated driving

The Ministry of Transport set up a commission to answer ethical questions regarding computer-controlled vehicles. The head of ITAS is a member of this advisory board which met for the first time on 1 October in Berlin.

NTA LogoTA community is meeting in Bonn in November

TA’s contribution to solving the "grand challenges" is the topic of the 7th conference of the Network Technology Assessment (NTA). The new concept of the journal Technology Assessment – Theory and Practice (TATuP) is also presented at the event.

Graphics based on NikNaks / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0International Corner: News from European TA institutions

What's new in Europe's TA scene? This is the 2nd issue (July / August 2016) of the "International Corner" that offers news about the latest projects, publications and news from TA institutions all over Europe.

Vitaly GorokhovTechnology philosopher Vitaly Gorokhov passed away

ITAS mourns the loss of its long-time member of staff, an outstanding researcher in the field of technology assessment and the main architect of the scientific collaboration between Germany and Russia.

Source: Clean Energy Partnership - CEPInfrastructure for hydrogen-based mobility

How ecofriendly is hydrogen from wind energy? ITAS scientists assessed the environmental performance of a hydrogen pilot plant in Berlin. Results are now published in the academic journal Applied Energy.

TAB logoDigital change of educational and work environments

The issue no. 47 of the TAB-Brief deals primarily with aspects relevant to the digital transformation in the various educational and work contexts.

TAB LogoA look back in the years 2014 and 2015

The activity report 2014/2015 gives an overview of activities and results of the TAB in the first two years of the current legislative term of the Bundestag.

The TERRAIN project wants to extend the mobility of visually impaired people considerably with a portable electronic assistance system. (Photo: KIT)Navigation aid for the blind and visually impaired

More participation through digital technology – this is the aim of the BMBF project TERRAIN with new human-machine interfaces. Researchers at ITAS address, among other things, the issue of social acceptance of this technology.

TAB-LogoSynthetic biology, Genome editing, Biohacking

On the challenges of the new genetic technologies an event will take place on September 29, 2016 in the German Bundestag.

The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources challenges the future energy systemNew project to assess the EU’s future energy system

How can relevant technologies and flexibility options be integrated into the European energy system? The REFLEX project aims to analyze and model the energy system transformation and its impacts on environment and society.

IWRM project in IndonesiaImproving water sustainability in Indonesia

Recommendations for technological options based on sustainability and acceptance analyses shall contribute to improved water supply and wastewater conditions in an Indonesian region suffering from seasonal water shortage.

Creativity as virtue: Apple founder Steve JobsAristotle’s virtue ethics for today’s innovators

Martin Sand received the Best Paper Award at this year’s Philosophy of Management conference. His paper "The virtues and vices of innovators" impressed the jury because of its philosophical clarity and distinct practical relevance.

ABIDA - Assessing Big Data team at ITASLand of Ideas: Big Data research receives award

The ABIDA project is one of the laureates of the nationwide "Landmarks in the Land of Ideas" competition 2016. The prize was awarded for the approach to assess the impacts of Big Data across disciplinary boundaries and together with citizens.

Final Storage Commission hands over final reportFinal Storage Commission hands over final report

The members of the commission on the "Storage of Highly Radioactive Waste Material" handed over their recommendations to the president of the German Bundestag on 5 July 2016. Armin Grunwald, head of ITAS, played a significant role in their preparation.

International Corner TA in EuropeInternational Corner: News from European TA institutions

What’s new in Europe’s TA scene? Beginning with this issue, the “International Corner” wants to keep you informed frequently about the latest projects, publications and news from TA institutions all over Europe.

Sustainability Experiments District Future ITASUrban sustainability experiments selected

The District Future project was looking for ideas for “SustainabilityExperiments” in Karlsruhe until mid-June. The four winning teams can now put their concepts to the test in the urban space. The kick-off event will take place on Monday, 4 July 2016.

"Stray shopping cart" by Holger Prothmann (Source: CC BY-NC 2.0)You can buy sustainability ... can’t you?

On Thursday, 23 June 2016, at 6 p.m. the next session of the ITAS series of events "technik.kontrovers" will take place. The evening event will focus on the question of responsibility for sustainable economic behavior.

Synthetic Biology – Conference and Festival in AmsterdamSynthetic Biology – Conference and Festival in Amsterdam

In contrast to classic genetic engineering, synthetic biology opens up advanced possibilities to design or re-design organisms. The related societal aspects are subject of the SYNENERGENE Forum on 24 and 25 June 2016.

Call for Sessions: dritte europäische TA-Konferenz in CorkCall for Sessions: 3rd European TA Conference in Cork

Europe’s TA experts will gather in Ireland next year to talk about "New technologies and societal challenges: Bridging the worlds of science, society & policy making". The deadline for the Call for Sessions is 31 July 2016.

Logo TABExperts wanted on plant breeding

In the project "Challenges for plant breeding" an overview of potential and tasks, strengths and weaknesses of the German plant breeding has to be framed.

The "energy hill" in Karlsruhe: one of the possible objects of research in the ENRES course of lectures (Picture: Andreas Keller / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0)Course of lectures on energy systems and resource efficiency

ITAS set up a cooperative course of lectures for doctoral students together with partners at the KIT, the Hochschule Pforzheim, and the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart. Interested graduates can apply until 10 May 2016.

Logo TABNew electronic media and addictive behavior

The presentation and discussion of the results of the TAB project on "New electronic media and addictive behavior" will take place in Berlin on 9th of June 2016.

Themenfelder Kopernikus ForschungsprogrammKopernikus program: ITAS is part of all four consortia

With the "largest research initiative on the energy transition", the BMBF supports research on technological and economic solutions for the energy supply of the future. In early April, Federal Minister Wanka announced the successful projects.

Logo des Work Research Institutes (AFI) der Hochschule Oslo und AkershusNew project on Assisted Living for people with dementia

The Assisted Living project brings together a group of experts in information technology, health science, social science and ethics from Norway, Germany and UK, in order to advance Responsible Research and Innovation in the field of welfare technology.

technik.kontrovers Themenabend Hightech statt GehstockThematic evening: "High-tech versus walking stick"

On Wednesday, 13 April the next session of the ITAS series of events "technik.kontrovers" will take place. The role of technology in aging and care will be in the focus of the evening.

Picture: City of FreiburgSustainability targets of Freiburg evaluated

The project "District of the Future – the Freiburg Sustainability Compass at the Urban Lab" is finished. In this context the team of "District Future – Urban Lab" completed the evaluation of the 60 sustainability targets.

ITAS-Projekt: Batterieforschung für britisches MinisteriumPolicy advice on batteries for British ministry

ITAS and the Helmholtz Institute Ulm researched the future application of storage technologies for solar electricity in developing countries. Their findings were included in a study for the British Department for International Development.

Collage ENERGY-TRANSHelmholtz Alliance presents results

The challenges of the energy transition – from demand and user perspective – were at the heart of the Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS, which was coordinated by ITAS for five years. The partners met from March 14 to 15 at the final conference in Berlin.

Infrastruktur und KlimawandelClimate change and technology: Pre-standard prepared

Already today, the planning of infrastructure and the development of technological systems has to consider the impacts of climate change. ITAS was involved in the development of a pre-standard which now provides orientation.

Werkstatt NDistrict Future is now "Werkstatt N"

The ITAS project "District Future – Urban Lab" has been awarded the quality seal "Werkstatt N" by the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) of the Federal Government.

Logo TABNew projects of TAB

At the end of 2015, the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment (ABFTA) has commissioned the processing of six new projects by the TAB.

Photo: Doppelmayr / Graventa GroupOpportunities and obstacles of urban ropeway systems in Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Urban ropeway systems can contribute to a sustainable transport system. However, such projects often fail due to strong resistance. A new project will provide information on the practicality of such systems in Baden-Württemberg.

Besucher aus TomskDelegation of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) visited ITAS

During one week, five scientists of TPU presented their current research project in workshops and discussions, exchanged ideas and gained experience with TA and RRI.

VeranstaltungITAS at the German Future Earth Summit

The second "German Future Earth Summit" was held in Berlin on 28 and 29 January 2016 in the context of the Future Earth Program.

Logo TABTAB in search of experts for the project "Beobachtungstechnologien im Bereich der zivilen Sicherheit"

In this TA-project, the social issues that arise with the increasing availability of monitoring and surveillance technologies in the area of civil security shall be identified and analyzed.

STOA / ETAGSTOA project on Assistive Technologies for the European Parliament has started

Assistive technologies can support the inclusion of people with disabilities in society, education and jobs.

Logo TABTAB is looking for experts

For the project "Aktueller Stand und Entwicklungen von Pränatal- und Präimplantationsdiagnostik" the TAB is looking for two expert opinions. Deadline for submitting tender documents is 01.03.2016.

TAB LogoTAB is looking for expert

For the project "Ausbau regenerativer Energieerzeugung" the TAB is looking for an expert. Deadline for submitting tender documents is 04.03.2016.

LogoBioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg

ITAS supports politics and society in advancing a bioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg by accompanying research in social sciences and ecology.

Peter JanichHonorary Doctorate for Peter Janich

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at KIT has awarded an honorary doctorate to Peter Janich in recognition of his contributions to the philosophy of technology and technology assessment.

Logo PhotofuelProject Photofuel launched

Within the project, ITAS will investigate the sustainability of an innovative liquid algae-based fuel.

View DonostiaITAS is organizing an International Summer School

Till 28 February 2016 PhD students may apply for the Summer School in Donostia / San Sebastian (Spain) on "Techno Science Societies: Between Myth Formation and Societal Structure".

Logo TABThe TAB is looking for experts

For the project "Human-Machine delimitation" the TAB is looking for experts on 3 topics. Deadline for submitting tender documents is 15.02.2016.

NTA LogoAnnual NTA meeting

The members of the Network Technology Assessment (NTA) met in Karlsruhe on 26 and 27 November 2015. It was the 11th annual meeting since the foundation of the network. The meeting was accompanied by various workshops.

Constanze ScherzNew deputy director appointed at ITAS

Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald, director of ITAS, appointed Constanze Scherz deputy director of the institute.

Logo ABIDA"Big Data and Society" conference

The interdisciplinary conference "Big Data and Society – Between Causality and Correlation" will be held at the University of Münster on 15 and 16 February 2016. Anyone with an interest in the topic is welcome to participate.

TAB LogoExperts wanted

TAB is looking for experts on the topics "The potential of algae as biomass for biofuels of the 3rd generation - Opportunities and limitations" and "Focus truck long-distance transport".


New publications

All publications: overview

Cover TATuP-Heft 3/2016TATuP Issue 3/2016 on real labs published

Transdisciplinary “real labs” are becoming increasingly popular. The current thematic focus presents, among others, results from four real laboratories in Baden-Württemberg. Also in this issue: an outlook on the redesigned TATuP appearing in 2017.

Cover: Inter- und Transdisziplinarität bei der Entsorgung radioaktiver ReststoffeInter- and Transdisciplinarity in the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

The book, originating from the ENTRIA project, discusses the theoretical background and practical experiences of inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation in the controversially discussed field of nuclear waste disposal.

Cover Die Energiewende und ihre ModelleNew publication: Die Energiewende und ihre Modelle (The energy transition and its models)

This volume, co-edited by ITAS scientist Christian Dieckhoff, scrutinizes the scientific possibilities of energy scenarios and calls for a reflected and pragmatic use of the knowledge gained from them.

Sammelband Designing Sustainable Urban Futures Designing Sustainable Urban Futures

Cities have great potential to become sustainable habitats. Challenges, concepts and approaches along the way are described in an anthology edited by researchers of ITAS and the Florida Institute of Technology.

Steafan Böschen, ITAS, Hybride WissensregimeHybrid regimes of knowledge. Sketch of a sociological field theory

In his new book, Stefan Böschen, researcher at ITAS, examines the transformation of knowledge relations. He recommends the introduction of new analytical tools to capture the changing structures.

Mensch-Maschine-Entgrenzung CoverMensch-Maschine-Entgrenzung

The TAB-Arbeitsbericht No. 167 provides a technologically-visionary assessment of the situation in the fields of robotics and neurotechnologies.

TAB Hintergrundpapier Responsible Research and InnovationResponsible Research and Innovation

The new TAB background paper focusses on RRI as an approach for designing research and innovation processes, that gains importance above all on European but increasingly also on national level.

Dissertation Annika Weiss ITASDissertation: Energy balance of microalgae biofuels

The production of biofuels from microalgae requires currently more energy than is stored in the fuel. Can future developments overcome this hurdle? Annika Weiss’ analysis of the correlation between energy input and output provides new evidence.

CoverTATuP-Ausgabe 2/2016 zu Postwachstum

Der Themenschwerpunkt des aktuellen Hefts widmet sich verschiedenen Perspektiven der Forschung auf das Konzept von Postwachstum in Technik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.

Cover Nachhaltigkeit verstehen von ITAS-Leiter Armin GrunwaldNew publication on understanding sustainability

In his book, Armin Grunwald argues that the various meanings of sustainability do not have to be an obstacle for the realization of sustainable ideas. Quite the contrary: Diversity as a central element of sustainability has an intrinsic value.

Technology Assessment in Japan and EuropeTechnology assessment in Japan and Europe

Researchers from Japan and Europe reflect together in this book on country-specific developments to identify the required conditions to anchor technology assessment in science, politics, and society.

CoverAnniversary publication to celebrate "25 years of TAB"

The 25th anniversary of the TAB has been celebrated on 2 December 2015 with a ceremony at the Paul Löbe Building.

TAB-Arbeitsbericht Nr. 171 Digital media in education

The TAB report no. 171 is concerned with the digitization as comprehensive process of social change, even in the institutions of education.

CoverNew electronic media and addictive behavior

The topic of the TAB working report No. 166 gets more and more societal attention due to the increasing media use in the society.

Neue ITAS-Publikation zu E-Demokratie in EuropaNew publication on e-democracy in Europe

The book "Electronic Democracy in Europe" edited by ITAS jointly with Fraunhofer ISI and ITA Vienna explores the current state and the perspectives of web-based political communication at the European level.

Arnd Weber, Daniel Scuka: Operators at crossroads: market protection or innovation? Study on Risk Aversion in Information Technology

European providers of mobile and information technology pursue the wrong strategy. This is the conclusion of the study "Operators at crossroads." The authors recommend deregulation of the radio spectrum and funding of secure computers.

ENERGY-TRANS Policy Brief ElektromobilitätEnergy transition: Recommendations for mobility and heat

Interdisciplinary teams of the Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS have examined how electromobility and a lower energy demand of buildings can contribute to a sustainable energy system. Two policy briefs are addressed to policy makers.

Cover TATuP Issue 1/2016TATuP Issue 1/2016 published

This issue focuses on the relationships between science, technology, media and the public. It reflects on theoretical aspects and practical formats of technology communication as well as the actors involved.

CoverExpansion of electricity networks in the context of the energy transition

Since 2013 the TAB works on the focus "discourse analysis and dialogue with societal actors". The report presents the Stakeholder Panel TA and the results of the first undertaken survey.

TAB-Arbeitsbericht SommerzeitNew publication draws a balance on summer time

Since being introduced several voices call for a change of the summer time regulation. Related to the discussion TAB presents the scientific findings and experiences in a working paper.

Cover PACITA ProceedingsPACITA conference proceedings published

Future challenges for technology assessment (TA) were in the focus of the international conference "The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment" in February 2015. The papers and discussions are now available in the proceedings.

CoverNew publication on robotics

The anthology "Evolutionary Robotics, Organic Computing and Adaptive Ambience" examines the implications of using technomorphic and biomorphic metaphors to describe adaptive and intelligent technologies.

CoverNew publication on "Ageing and Technology"

This publication is dedicated to the widely debated issue of "Ageing and Technology" focusing on old agers as technology users, assistive technologies, and policy making and discourses of ageing.

CoverThe first German dictionary on human-animal relationships was published

The question of how humans treat and should treat the "other" animals is not only becoming increasingly relevant to society but has again become a topic of science.

CoverProceedings of the Sixth Conference of Network TA (NTA) recently published

The book published by Nomos is documenting the contributions of the conference held in Vienna. The central theme of the conference was "Responsible Innovation – New Impetus for Technology Assessment?"
