Guest Talk about Indian Western Himalaya

  • type of event:


  • place:

    Karl9 - Science Hub for Technology and Society, Karlstraße 9, 76133 Karlsruhe

  • date:


  • referent:

    Prof. Dr. P K Joshi

  • time:

    14:00 - 15:00


The registration period is expired. (2024-06-06 10:16:00 - 2024-06-12 10:16:00)

Indian Western Himalaya - a climate changing world

Guest Talk by Prof. Dr. P K Joshi
Raimond Klavins // Unsplash
Portrait of Prof. Dr. P K Joshi P K Joshi
Prof. Dr. P K Joshi

The Indian Western Himalaya region stands as a sentinel to climate change, bearing witness to its profound impacts on ecosystems and communities. The regions face unprecedented challenges owing to high dependence on natural resources and intricate relationships of these resources with livelihood options. Forest degradation and deforestation remained a hallmark of chronic disturbance and sustenance. However, amidst these challenges lie opportunities for resilience and adaptation. This presentation would reflect upon multiscale understanding of forest fragmentation in the region and impact of climate change. This transcends from forest to agriculture, and places agriculture communities at the centre with an aim to explain the differential vulnerability of farmers to climate change. The presentation reflects upon indicator-based assessment to identify hotspots of inherent vulnerability, community profiling to capture heterogeneity and content analysis of policy documents to understanding gaps in effective and inclusive adaptation planning. The lecture must generate discussions around adaptation planning in the Himalayan region.


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