Normative Energy Ethics

  • type of event:

    Lecture Series

  • place:

    online (Zoom)

  • date:


Lecture Series

As a follow up to the first Normative Energy Ethics Workshop held in November 2021, the research group Philosophy of Engineering, Technology Assessment, and Science (PhilETAS) organizes a Normative Energy Ethics Lecture Series.
website header "Normative Energy Ethics"

The program will run from May to July 2024 and will consist of online lectures delivered by an internationally renowned scholar along with the opportunity to openly exchange ideas in the usual subsequent Q&A session. 

These events aim to provide a platform to highlight ongoing endeavors by many scholars to engage crucial energy issues from the perspectives of ethical reasoning and reflection. The main goal is to expand work done in energy ethics by exploring different normative ethical perspectives as they may apply to energy, climate, and environmental issues.

Please register via the form below to attend the lectures. Registered participants will receive the access link the day before each online lecture.

Program 2024

Date 2024 Speaker Title
14.05, 14:00 CET
Nynke van Uffelen Conceptualizing Normative Uncertainties and Recognition in Energy Justice
18.06, 14:00 CET
Nathan Wood What does Energy Justice mean?
23.07, 14:00 CET
Ricardo Lopes Coelho What is Energy?

Program 2023

Date 2023 Speaker Title
Thursday, 19.01, 14:30 CET Eric Brandstedt The contested meaning of climate leadership: an ameliorative analysis
Wednesday, 15.02, 16:00 CET Christopher Groves Bringing care ethics and energy ethics together: vulnerability, attachment, and narrative
Wednesday, 22.03, 16:00 CET Eike Düvel Compensating the losers of energy systems transformations? Stranded assets and legitimate expectations
Wednesday, 17.05, 16:00 CET Rosie Day Energy poverty and energy vulnerability through a capabilities lens: conceptualisation and implementation
Monday, 26.06, 19:00 CET Konrad Ott Domains of climate ethics
Wednesday, 05.07, 17:00 CET Viola Schiaffonati Power systems, ethical issues, and social implications: some reflections emerging from a course experimentation at Politecnico di Milano
Wednesday, 11.10, 17:00 CET Carl Mitcham On energy liberalism
Tuesday, 14.11, 15:00 CET Mette High Do you really not know that? Energy ethics and the matter of facts in the US oil and gas industry
Tuesday, 12.12, 15:00 CET Céline Kermisch
Nuclear waste, retrievability and future generations


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If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via energy-ethics∂

This lecture series is organized by the research group Philosophy of Engineering, Technology Assessment, and Science (PhilETAS).