• type of event:

    experimental event format and a public film screening with discussion

  • place:

    TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Room H 0104, D-10623 Berlin, Germany

  • date:


  • time:

    10:00 - 19:30


Event poster with the title "The Future of the Technological Human Body in Light of Its Present & Past"
Poster FUTUREBODY@Berlin
Programme FUTUREBODY@Berlin

KIT-ITAS invites registration and participation in the FUTUREBODY Gathering, which will take place on 2 September 2022 in Berlin in combination with a BIO-FICTION on Tour film evening (open to the public without registration) and in collaboration with TU Berlin (Berlin Ethics Lab), which is hosting the entire event, the University of Freiburg, Biofaction, Cyborgs e.V. and others. The aim of this experimental event is to bring together people from science and various other professions to reflect on the present and future of the human body in light of technological progress.


Sabine Ammon, Martina Baumann, Vera Borrmann, Lena-Marie Broszeit, Andreas Coenen, Katharina Dermühl, Barica Emanuel, Toni Garbe, Heinz Graynd, Christian Herff, Katrin Kirchert, Eva-Maria Kraft, Laurens Landeweerd, Maria Maia, Wenzel Mehnert, Thomas Michatsch, Oliver Müller, Elle Nerdinger, Djamal Okoko, Anastasia Osoianu, Bo Oudendijk, Enno Park, Melike Şahinol, Reto Schölly, Thomas Stieglitz, Gregor Wolbring, and all participants


Please register for the FUTUREBODY Gathering that will be held 10:00-17:00 via the registration form below.

You are welcome to join us without registration at BIO-FICTION on Tour at 17:30 to see award-winning short films about cyborgs, neurotechnology, artificial intelligence and the future of the human body, as well as to attend a panel, plus discussion, with Sabine Ammon, Thomas Stieglitz and Sandra Youssef.


If you have questions please send an email to futurebody2022∂itas.kit.edu. Find more infos on FUTUREBODY on the dedicated project page.

Note of data usage: By entering your data you agree to us using your data to organize the FUTUREBODY@Berlin and saving it for that purpose only. Your data is not passed on to third parties and deleted after the event. If you want your data to be deleted from our data base earlier, please contact Meike Hebich.

Registration Form

The registration period is expired. (2022-08-23 14:30:00 - 2022-09-15 14:30:00)