2005 - 2008 | B.A. Political Science, Bielefeld University |
2010 - 2012 | M.A. Political Communication, Bielefeld University |
2013 - 2017 | Doctorate in Media and Communication Studies, Mannheim University (defended on July 18th 2017) |
Professional background
2006 - 2012 | Internships and student trainee positions in development policy, consulting, and public relations |
2012 - 2019 | Member of scientific staff at ITAS |
Fields of work
- Public Trust and Distrust, with a focus on energy and digitalization
- Risk Research and Communication
- Science and Technology Studies
- Energy Transition and Smart Grid
- Approaches to Interdisciplinarity
- Qualitative Research Methods (interviews, content analysis, case studies)
Journal Articles
Böschen, S.; Hahn, J.; Krings, B.-J.; Scherz, C.; Sumpf, P.
Globale Technikfolgenabschätzung? Konvergenzen und Divergenzen kosmopolitischer Wissenschaftsdynamiken
2020. Soziale Welt, (SH 24), 332–365
Globale Technikfolgenabschätzung? Konvergenzen und Divergenzen kosmopolitischer Wissenschaftsdynamiken
2020. Soziale Welt, (SH 24), 332–365
Book Chapters
Büscher, C.; Schippl, J.; Sumpf, P.
Energy as a sociotechnical problem. A concluding discussion
2019. Energy as a sociotechnical problem : an interdisciplinary perspective on control, change, and action in energy transitions. Ed.: C. Büscher, 262–276, Routledge
Energy as a sociotechnical problem. A concluding discussion
2019. Energy as a sociotechnical problem : an interdisciplinary perspective on control, change, and action in energy transitions. Ed.: C. Büscher, 262–276, Routledge
Büscher, C.; Schippl, J.; Sumpf, P.
2019. Energy as a sociotechnical problem : an interdisciplinary perspective on control, change, and action in energy transitions. Ed.: C. Büscher, 1–13, Routledge
2019. Energy as a sociotechnical problem : an interdisciplinary perspective on control, change, and action in energy transitions. Ed.: C. Büscher, 1–13, Routledge
Sumpf, P.
The energy system and trust: Public, organizational and transsystemic perspectives
2019. Energy as a sociotechnical problem : an interdisciplinary perspective on control, change, and action in energy transitions. Ed.: C. Büscher, 179–199, Routledge
The energy system and trust: Public, organizational and transsystemic perspectives
2019. Energy as a sociotechnical problem : an interdisciplinary perspective on control, change, and action in energy transitions. Ed.: C. Büscher, 179–199, Routledge
Büscher, C.; Schippl, J.; Sumpf, P. (Eds.)
Energy as a sociotechnical problem : an interdisciplinary perspective on control, change, and action in energy transitions
2019. Routledge
Energy as a sociotechnical problem : an interdisciplinary perspective on control, change, and action in energy transitions
2019. Routledge
Book Chapters
Büscher, C.; Schippl, J.; Sumpf, P.
2018. Energy as a Sociotechnical Problem. An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Control, Change, and Action in Energy Transitions. Hrsg.: C. Büscher, 1–13, Routledge
2018. Energy as a Sociotechnical Problem. An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Control, Change, and Action in Energy Transitions. Hrsg.: C. Büscher, 1–13, Routledge
Büscher, C.; Sumpf, P.
Vertrauen, Risiko und komplexe Systeme: das Beispiel zukünftiger Energieversorgung
2018. Bausteine der Energiewende. Hrsg.: O. Kühne, 129–161, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Vertrauen, Risiko und komplexe Systeme: das Beispiel zukünftiger Energieversorgung
2018. Bausteine der Energiewende. Hrsg.: O. Kühne, 129–161, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Journal Articles
König, R.; Sumpf, P.
Hat der Nutzer immer Recht? Zum inflationären Rückgriff auf Vertrauen im Kontext von Online-Plattformen
2018. Soziale Welt, (Sonderband), 1–15
Hat der Nutzer immer Recht? Zum inflationären Rückgriff auf Vertrauen im Kontext von Online-Plattformen
2018. Soziale Welt, (Sonderband), 1–15
Sumpf, P.; Büscher, C. (Eds.)
Control, change and capacity-building in energy systems
Control, change and capacity-building in energy systems
Büscher, C.; Sumpf, P.
Energy & multi-stakeholder interests - a social science and humanities cross-cutting theme report
2017. Cambridge
Energy & multi-stakeholder interests - a social science and humanities cross-cutting theme report
2017. Cambridge
König, R.; Sumpf, P.
Nutzerzentrismus und Vertrauen in Big Data-Anwendungen
2017. ABIDA Workshop ’Big Data - die digitale Konstruktion sozialer Wirklichkeiten’, Dortmund, 15.-16.März 2017
Nutzerzentrismus und Vertrauen in Big Data-Anwendungen
2017. ABIDA Workshop ’Big Data - die digitale Konstruktion sozialer Wirklichkeiten’, Dortmund, 15.-16.März 2017
Büscher, C.; Sumpf, P.
Energy and multi-stakeholder interests. A social sciences and humanities cross-cutting theme report
Energy and multi-stakeholder interests. A social sciences and humanities cross-cutting theme report
Sumpf, P.; Klemm, M.; Büscher, C.; Robison, R.; Schippl, J.; Foulds, C.; Buchmann, K.; Nikolaev, A.; Kern-Gillard, T.
Energy system optimisation and smart technologies. A social sciences and humanities annotated bibliography
Energy system optimisation and smart technologies. A social sciences and humanities annotated bibliography
König, R.; Sumpf, P.
’It’s free and always will be’ - Online-Plattformen zwischen Offenheitslogik und Vertrauensinflation
2016. 38.Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bamberg, 26.-30.September 2016
’It’s free and always will be’ - Online-Plattformen zwischen Offenheitslogik und Vertrauensinflation
2016. 38.Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bamberg, 26.-30.September 2016
Sumpf, P.
Myths of public and private in the age of online-platforms
2016. International Summer School for PhDs ’Between Myth Formation and Societal Structure’, Donostia-San Sebastian, E, July 18-22, 2016
Myths of public and private in the age of online-platforms
2016. International Summer School for PhDs ’Between Myth Formation and Societal Structure’, Donostia-San Sebastian, E, July 18-22, 2016
Sumpf, P.
Trusting the energy system. Past, present, future
2016. Final Conference of the Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS (2016), Berlin, Germany, March 14–15, 2016
Trusting the energy system. Past, present, future
2016. Final Conference of the Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS (2016), Berlin, Germany, March 14–15, 2016
Journal Articles
Büscher, C.; Sumpf, P.
’Trust’ and ’confidence’ as socio-technical problems in the transformation of energy systems
2015. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 5, 34/1–13. doi:10.1186/s13705-015-0063-7
’Trust’ and ’confidence’ as socio-technical problems in the transformation of energy systems
2015. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 5, 34/1–13. doi:10.1186/s13705-015-0063-7
Sumpf, P.
Energy turn beyond technology: Socio-technical aspects of smart grids
2015. Vortragsreihe von KINE e.V. zum Projekt “Studentendachblumen” anlässlich des 300. Stadtgeburtstages von Karlsruhe (2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 11, 2015
Energy turn beyond technology: Socio-technical aspects of smart grids
2015. Vortragsreihe von KINE e.V. zum Projekt “Studentendachblumen” anlässlich des 300. Stadtgeburtstages von Karlsruhe (2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 11, 2015
Sumpf, P.
Trust and confidence as sociotechnical problem in the transformation of energy systems
2015. Vortr.: Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (CSTMS),Working Group on ’Science and Technology Studies’, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., 12.Februar 2015
Trust and confidence as sociotechnical problem in the transformation of energy systems
2015. Vortr.: Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (CSTMS),Working Group on ’Science and Technology Studies’, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., 12.Februar 2015
Sumpf, P.
Energiewende jenseits der Technik: Sozio-technische Aspekte von Smart Grids
2015. Vortragsreihe ’Studentendachblumen’, Karlsruhe, 11.Juni 2015
Energiewende jenseits der Technik: Sozio-technische Aspekte von Smart Grids
2015. Vortragsreihe ’Studentendachblumen’, Karlsruhe, 11.Juni 2015
Sumpf, P.
Trust in energy systems
2015. International Workshop ’Understanding Socio-Technical Problems’, Karlsruhe, Ocober 19, 2015
Trust in energy systems
2015. International Workshop ’Understanding Socio-Technical Problems’, Karlsruhe, Ocober 19, 2015
Science Communication on the Internet
Journal Articles
Khala, N.; Sumpf, P.; Büscher, C.
“Wir sind das Smart Grid” - Zu einer aktuellen Debatte unter InformatikerInnen. Bericht vom “2. Kongress Energie + Informatik - Dezentrale Energie smart verknüpft” der Industrie- und Handelskammer Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, 12.05.2014. - Tagungsbericht
2014. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 23 (3), 118–121
“Wir sind das Smart Grid” - Zu einer aktuellen Debatte unter InformatikerInnen. Bericht vom “2. Kongress Energie + Informatik - Dezentrale Energie smart verknüpft” der Industrie- und Handelskammer Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, 12.05.2014. - Tagungsbericht
2014. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 23 (3), 118–121
Sumpf, P.
Energiewende und Vertrauen (Energy Transition and Trust)
2014. Gaia, 23 (3), 287–288. doi:10.14512/gaia.23.3.20
Energiewende und Vertrauen (Energy Transition and Trust)
2014. Gaia, 23 (3), 287–288. doi:10.14512/gaia.23.3.20
Conference Papers
Sumpf, P.; Büscher, C.; Orwat, C.
Energy system transformation. Governance of trust?
2014. Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions : Proceedings from the PACITA 2013 Conference, Praha, CZ, March 13-15, 2013. Ed.: T. Michalek, 223–228, Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR)
Energy system transformation. Governance of trust?
2014. Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions : Proceedings from the PACITA 2013 Conference, Praha, CZ, March 13-15, 2013. Ed.: T. Michalek, 223–228, Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR)
Büscher, C.; Sumpf, P.
Trust, distrust and confidence in energy system transformation
2014. 18th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, J, July 13-19, 2014
Trust, distrust and confidence in energy system transformation
2014. 18th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, J, July 13-19, 2014
Büscher, C.; Sumpf, P.
Patterns of trust and distrust in energy system transformation
2014. 18. ISA World Congress of Sociology “Facing an unequal world: challenges for global sociology" (2014), Yokohama, Japan, July 13–19, 2014
Patterns of trust and distrust in energy system transformation
2014. 18. ISA World Congress of Sociology “Facing an unequal world: challenges for global sociology" (2014), Yokohama, Japan, July 13–19, 2014
Heil, R.; Sumpf, P.
Big Data - Hype, hope, fear
2014. INFORMATIK 2014: Big Data - Komplexität meistern. 44. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Stuttgart, 22.-26. September 2014
Big Data - Hype, hope, fear
2014. INFORMATIK 2014: Big Data - Komplexität meistern. 44. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Stuttgart, 22.-26. September 2014
Sumpf, P.
Energiewende als historische Zäsur? Veränderungen im Spannungsfeld von Vertrauen und Akzeptanz
2014. Vertrauen in Technik? Technikgeschichtliche Jahrestagung (2014), Bochum, Germany, March 6–7, 2014
Energiewende als historische Zäsur? Veränderungen im Spannungsfeld von Vertrauen und Akzeptanz
2014. Vertrauen in Technik? Technikgeschichtliche Jahrestagung (2014), Bochum, Germany, March 6–7, 2014
Sumpf, P.
Patterns of trust and acceptance. The challenge of enabling action in emerging energy systems
2014. European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2014), Wien, A, April 22-25, 2014
Patterns of trust and acceptance. The challenge of enabling action in emerging energy systems
2014. European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2014), Wien, A, April 22-25, 2014
Sumpf, P.
Risk and trust in future energy systems: The vision of smart grids
2014. Vortrag im Rahmen des M.Sc. Environmental Governance, Module on Technology Assessment 2014, Freiburg, 18. Juni 2014
Risk and trust in future energy systems: The vision of smart grids
2014. Vortrag im Rahmen des M.Sc. Environmental Governance, Module on Technology Assessment 2014, Freiburg, 18. Juni 2014
Sumpf, P.
The German ’Energiewende’ as historical turning point - From acceptance to trust?
2014. Technikgeschichtliche Jahrestagung ’Vertrauen in Technik?’ des VDI, Bochum, 6.-7. März 2014
The German ’Energiewende’ as historical turning point - From acceptance to trust?
2014. Technikgeschichtliche Jahrestagung ’Vertrauen in Technik?’ des VDI, Bochum, 6.-7. März 2014
Conference Papers
Sumpf, P.
Mechanismen der Vertrauens(de)konstitution in öffentichen Krisen. Das Beispiel EHEC O104:H4
2013. Bravo Roger, F. [Hrsg.] Medien müssen draußen bleiben! Wo liegen die Grenzen politischer Transparenz? : Beitraäge zur 8.Fachtagung des DFPK Berlin : Frank & Timme, 2013, 217–235
Mechanismen der Vertrauens(de)konstitution in öffentichen Krisen. Das Beispiel EHEC O104:H4
2013. Bravo Roger, F. [Hrsg.] Medien müssen draußen bleiben! Wo liegen die Grenzen politischer Transparenz? : Beitraäge zur 8.Fachtagung des DFPK Berlin : Frank & Timme, 2013, 217–235
Büscher, C.; Schippl, J.; Buchgeister, J.; Sumpf, P.
The ’Energy-System’. Abstractions and reductions in the concept of sociotechnical Systems
2013. Energy Systems in Transition: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Contributions, Karlsruhe, October 9-11, 2013
The ’Energy-System’. Abstractions and reductions in the concept of sociotechnical Systems
2013. Energy Systems in Transition: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Contributions, Karlsruhe, October 9-11, 2013
Büscher, C.; Sumpf, P.; Orwat, C.
The smart grid as black box. The role of consumers in the governance of future energy systems
2013. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., December 9-12, 2012
The smart grid as black box. The role of consumers in the governance of future energy systems
2013. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., December 9-12, 2012
Büscher, C.; Schippl, J.; Buchgeister, J.; Sumpf, P.
The “Energy System” - Abstractions and reductions in the concept of sociotechnical systems
2013. EnergyTrans Conference (2013), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 9, 2013
The “Energy System” - Abstractions and reductions in the concept of sociotechnical systems
2013. EnergyTrans Conference (2013), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 9, 2013
Sumpf, P.; Büscher, C.; Orwat, C.
Smart grid as black box - The role of consumer trust in the governance of future energy systems
2013. 1st PACITA Conference on Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions, Praha, CZ, March 13-15, 2013
Smart grid as black box - The role of consumer trust in the governance of future energy systems
2013. 1st PACITA Conference on Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions, Praha, CZ, March 13-15, 2013
Sumpf, P.
Mechanismen der Vertrauens(de)konstitution in öffentichen Krisen. Das Beispiel EHEC O104:H4
2012. 8.Fachtagung des Düsseldorfer Forums Politische Kommunikation, Düsseldorf, 12.-14.April 2012
Mechanismen der Vertrauens(de)konstitution in öffentichen Krisen. Das Beispiel EHEC O104:H4
2012. 8.Fachtagung des Düsseldorfer Forums Politische Kommunikation, Düsseldorf, 12.-14.April 2012