Professional background
2004 - 2009 | Bachelor studies in “Sales Engineering & Product Management” at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bachelor’s thesis at “Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme” (LPS) Title: “Untersuchung und Implementierung eines externen Heizelementes in einen Versuchsstand für Formgedächtnis-Drahtaktoren” (Analysis and implementation of an external heating unit in a test bed for shape memory actuators) |
2009 - 2012 | Master studies in “Sales Engineering & Product Management” with a focus on energy and process technology at Ruhr-Universität Bochum Master’s thesis at “Advanced Technologies Development Engineering” at Merck KGaA (Darmstadt) Title: “Entwicklung eines Investitionsentscheidungsmodells unter Berücksichtigung von unsicheren, dynamischen Randbedingungen in der Chemieindustrie” (Development of a model for investment decisions in consideration of uncertain, dynamic market conditions) |
2013 - 2019 | Member of scientific staff at ITAS |
Fields of work
- Material flow and life cycle based sustainability assessment of new energy technologies
- Current technology topics: hydrogen, storage of thermal solar energy, micro process engineering
Completed projects
- Participation in the project SolChem - Novel process engineering approaches for continuous power generation in small-scale concentrating solar power stations on the basis of chemical storage / Sub-project "Sustainability oriented systems analysis"
- Participation in the project Helmholtz Energy Alliance "Energy efficient chemical multi-phase processes" / Research Topic 1: Systems analyses
- Participation in the project Kopernikus: P2X
- Participation in the project PROPHECY - Process Concepts for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Combined with Life-Cycle-Analysis
- Participation in the project Competence Network Modelling the Bioeconomy: Subproject 6 – Cross-linking of CarboMoG
- Participation in the project System Analysis Wind-Hydrogen
Poganietz, W.-R.; Weiss, A.; Poncette, D.; De Weser, M.
Technology forecasting to meet future societies by constructing context scenarios
2019. Seninar des IAM, KIT (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, January 11, 2019
Technology forecasting to meet future societies by constructing context scenarios
2019. Seninar des IAM, KIT (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, January 11, 2019
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Assessing the sustainability of concepts to close the carbon cycle - the case of olefin production
2018. 2nd Germany-Poland-Czech Republic Workshop (2018), Dresden, Germany, October 18, 2018
Assessing the sustainability of concepts to close the carbon cycle - the case of olefin production
2018. 2nd Germany-Poland-Czech Republic Workshop (2018), Dresden, Germany, October 18, 2018
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Feasibility of feedstock combinations - the case of olefin production
2018. China - Poland - Czech Republic - Germany Workshop on Innovative Chemical Utilization of Carbon and Renewable Resources for a Carbon Economy (2019), Berlin, Germany, April 15–17, 2019
Feasibility of feedstock combinations - the case of olefin production
2018. China - Poland - Czech Republic - Germany Workshop on Innovative Chemical Utilization of Carbon and Renewable Resources for a Carbon Economy (2019), Berlin, Germany, April 15–17, 2019
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Concepts for closing the carbon cycle - How to assess the sustainability
2018. Seminar, Universität Freiburg (2018), Freiburg, Germany, November 29, 2018
Concepts for closing the carbon cycle - How to assess the sustainability
2018. Seminar, Universität Freiburg (2018), Freiburg, Germany, November 29, 2018
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Closing the carbon cycle - assessing the sustainability of currently discussed concepts
2018. 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2018), Tokyo, Japan, October 9–12, 2018
Closing the carbon cycle - assessing the sustainability of currently discussed concepts
2018. 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2018), Tokyo, Japan, October 9–12, 2018
Poganietz, W.-R.; Weiss, A.; Poncette, D.; De Weser, M.
Technology forecasting to meet future societies by constructing context scenarios
2018. 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2018), Tokyo, Japan, October 9–12, 2018
Technology forecasting to meet future societies by constructing context scenarios
2018. 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2018), Tokyo, Japan, October 9–12, 2018
Poganietz, W. R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Sustainability assessment of selected concepts to close the carbon cycle
2018. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (2018), Berlin, Germany, June 3–8, 2018
Sustainability assessment of selected concepts to close the carbon cycle
2018. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (2018), Berlin, Germany, June 3–8, 2018
Poganietz, W.-R.; Fuss, M.; Poncette, D.
Sustainability assessment of concepts for the circular economy by integration of chemical lignite utilization
2018. 2nd Germany-Poland-Czech Republic Workshop (2018), Dresden, Germany, October 18, 2018
Sustainability assessment of concepts for the circular economy by integration of chemical lignite utilization
2018. 2nd Germany-Poland-Czech Republic Workshop (2018), Dresden, Germany, October 18, 2018
Poncette, D.; Patyk, A.; Scherrieb, M.
Sustainability assessment in R&D of power-to-X technologies
2018. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL (2018), Berlin, Germany, June 3–8, 2018
Sustainability assessment in R&D of power-to-X technologies
2018. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL (2018), Berlin, Germany, June 3–8, 2018
Audio & Video
Poncette, D.; Peters, J.; Scheer, D.
Zukunft.Energie.Wende - Revolution der Eneuerbaren im alten System - technik.kontrovers am 12.04.2018
2018. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2018-597
Zukunft.Energie.Wende - Revolution der Eneuerbaren im alten System - technik.kontrovers am 12.04.2018
2018. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2018-597
Conference Papers
Domnik, T.; Wendeberg, E.; Poncette, D.; Kälber, S.; Leible, L.; Alpperspach, C.; Jahn, C.
Techno-economic and environmental analysis of global biomass supply chains for Germany - Exemplified by a case study for ethanol from Brazil
2017. 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - Setting the course for a biobased economy - EUBCE, Stockholm, S, June 12-15, 2017. Ed.: L. Ek, 1016–1030, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
Techno-economic and environmental analysis of global biomass supply chains for Germany - Exemplified by a case study for ethanol from Brazil
2017. 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - Setting the course for a biobased economy - EUBCE, Stockholm, S, June 12-15, 2017. Ed.: L. Ek, 1016–1030, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
Domnik, T.; Wendeberg, E.; Poncette, D.; Kälber, S.; Leible, L.; Alpperspach, C.; Jahn, C.
Techno-economic and environmental analysis of global biomass supply chains for Germany
2017. 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (2017), Stockholm, Sweden, June 12–15, 2017
Techno-economic and environmental analysis of global biomass supply chains for Germany
2017. 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (2017), Stockholm, Sweden, June 12–15, 2017
Poganietz, W.-R.; Poncette, D.
Assessing comprehensively the environmental impacts of a bioeconomy
2016. 2. Statusseminar und Zwischenbegutachtung des Forschungsprogramms Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, 13.Oktober 2016
Assessing comprehensively the environmental impacts of a bioeconomy
2016. 2. Statusseminar und Zwischenbegutachtung des Forschungsprogramms Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, 13.Oktober 2016
Burkhardt, J.; Patyk, A.; Poncette, D.; Retzke, C.; Tanguy, P.
Hydrogen mobility in electricity systems with highly volatile shares. An assessment of environmental impacts
2015. World Hydrogen Technology Convention (WHTC), Sydney, AUS, October 11-14, 2015
Hydrogen mobility in electricity systems with highly volatile shares. An assessment of environmental impacts
2015. World Hydrogen Technology Convention (WHTC), Sydney, AUS, October 11-14, 2015
Poncette, D.; Patyk, A.
Unsicherheiten und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Bewertung der Ökoeffizienz
2015. Ökobilanzwerkstatt, Pforzheim, 14.-16.September 2015
Unsicherheiten und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Bewertung der Ökoeffizienz
2015. Ökobilanzwerkstatt, Pforzheim, 14.-16.September 2015
Riese, J.; Poncette, D.; Wörsdörfer, D.; Patyk, A.; Grünewald, M.
Ecologic and economic studies. Research topic 1: Systems analysis
2015. Abschlusssymposium der Helmholtz-Energie-Allianz "Energieeffiziente Chemische Mehrphasenprozesse" (2015), Dresden, Germany, November 30–December 1, 2015
Ecologic and economic studies. Research topic 1: Systems analysis
2015. Abschlusssymposium der Helmholtz-Energie-Allianz "Energieeffiziente Chemische Mehrphasenprozesse" (2015), Dresden, Germany, November 30–December 1, 2015
Poncette, D.; Baumann, M.; Wagner, C.; Patyk, A.; Pfeifer, P.
Simulation of a CSP-powered hybrid storage network
2015. 9th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2015), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 9–11, 2015
Simulation of a CSP-powered hybrid storage network
2015. 9th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2015), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 9–11, 2015
Baumann, M.; Poncette, D.; Zimmermann, B.; Weil, M.
Evaluation of calculation methods, models and data sources for life cycle costing on the example of stationary battery systems
2014. Society And Materials International Conference (SAM 2014), Liege, B, May 20-21, 2014, 8th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2014), Liège, Belgium, May 20–21, 2014
Evaluation of calculation methods, models and data sources for life cycle costing on the example of stationary battery systems
2014. Society And Materials International Conference (SAM 2014), Liege, B, May 20-21, 2014, 8th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2014), Liège, Belgium, May 20–21, 2014
Burkhardt, J.; Patyk, A.; Poncette, D.; Tanguy, P.; Retzke, C.
Towards ecologic and cost-effective H2 refueling stations in Germany
2014. R&D Stories Conference, Total S.A. Headquarter (2014), Paris, France, May 23, 2014
Towards ecologic and cost-effective H2 refueling stations in Germany
2014. R&D Stories Conference, Total S.A. Headquarter (2014), Paris, France, May 23, 2014
Burkhardt, J.; Patyk, A.; Poncette, D.; Tanguy, P.; Retzke, C.
Hydrogen mobility from wind energy - Environmental impacts and cost assessment
2014. 22. Process Engineering Meeting (PEM), Total Direction Scientifique (DS), Chantilly, Paris, France, 03.-04.11.2014
Hydrogen mobility from wind energy - Environmental impacts and cost assessment
2014. 22. Process Engineering Meeting (PEM), Total Direction Scientifique (DS), Chantilly, Paris, France, 03.-04.11.2014
Poncette, D.
Systemanalyse: Neue Verfahrenstechnik zur chemischen Speicherung von Solarthermie
2014. Ökobianzwerkstatt 2014, Dresden, 8.-10.September 2014
Systemanalyse: Neue Verfahrenstechnik zur chemischen Speicherung von Solarthermie
2014. Ökobianzwerkstatt 2014, Dresden, 8.-10.September 2014