Bachelor studies in Political Science (Major) and Economy (Minor) (B.A.) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Master studies in Philosophy and Political Science (M.A.) at TU Dortmund University. Master Thesis: “Responsible Research and Innovation in Research Organizations. An analysis of the characteristics using the example of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Helmholtz Association”
Professional background
2018 - 2019 | Member of scientific staff at ITAS |
2016 - 2018 | Student assistant at ITAS |
Main fields of work
- Technology policy in international comparison
- Global Technology Assessment
- Social values and technological progress
Journal Articles
Ladikas, M.; Hahn, J.; Hennen, L.; Kulakov, P.; Scherz, C.
Responsible research and innovation in Germany–between sustainability and autonomy
2019. Journal of responsible innovation, 6 (3), 346–352. doi:10.1080/23299460.2019.1603536
Responsible research and innovation in Germany–between sustainability and autonomy
2019. Journal of responsible innovation, 6 (3), 346–352. doi:10.1080/23299460.2019.1603536
Journal Articles
Ladikas, M.; Hahn, J.; Hennen, L.; Kulakov, P.; Scherz, C.
RRI in Germany: Reflections on the State of the Art
2017. TATuP Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 26 (1-2), 85–86. doi:10.14512/tatup.26.1-2.85
RRI in Germany: Reflections on the State of the Art
2017. TATuP Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 26 (1-2), 85–86. doi:10.14512/tatup.26.1-2.85
Scherz, C.; Kulakov, P.
Challenges of advising parliaments and society: a brief history of parliamentary technology assessment
2016. Image of an Engineer in the 21st Century : Technology Assessment and Sustainalble Development, 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference, Perm, Russia, December 6-8, 2016
Challenges of advising parliaments and society: a brief history of parliamentary technology assessment
2016. Image of an Engineer in the 21st Century : Technology Assessment and Sustainalble Development, 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference, Perm, Russia, December 6-8, 2016