Fields of work
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Sustainability
- New materials
- Energy storage
- Energy technologies
Professional background
2021 - 2022 | M.Sc. in Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation Solutions, Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
2018 - 2020 | Researcher, University of Szeged, Hungary |
2015 - 2017 | Lise Meitner Fellow, Johannes Kepler University, Austria |
2008 - 2014 | PhD in Materials Science, Ewha Womans University, South Korea |
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Jasper, F.; Kochuveedu, S. T.; Ersoy, H.
Life-cycle oriented sustainability analysis of current and future battery systems
2022. Laboratorium für Materialforschung-Kolloquium "Sustainable Materials and Circular Economy" (LaMa 2022), Giessen, Germany, July 8, 2022
Life-cycle oriented sustainability analysis of current and future battery systems
2022. Laboratorium für Materialforschung-Kolloquium "Sustainable Materials and Circular Economy" (LaMa 2022), Giessen, Germany, July 8, 2022
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Kochuveedu, S. T.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Lithium Batterien - Rohstoffbedarf & Recycling und die Suche nach Post-Lithium Batterien
2022. IWAR Vortragsreihe - Neues aus der Umwelttechnik (2022), Online, November 14, 2022
Lithium Batterien - Rohstoffbedarf & Recycling und die Suche nach Post-Lithium Batterien
2022. IWAR Vortragsreihe - Neues aus der Umwelttechnik (2022), Online, November 14, 2022