Studies of political science, philosophy, macroeconomics, and European Law at the University of Würzburg
Book Chapters
Bowman, D. M.; Dijkstra, A.; Fautz, C.; Guivant, J. S.; Konrad, K.; Shelley-Egan, C.; Woll, S.
Emerging technologies: politics, problems and the unparalleled possibilities of engagement
2017. The Politics and Situatedness of Emerging Technologies. Ed.: D.M. Bowman, 1–8, AKA
Emerging technologies: politics, problems and the unparalleled possibilities of engagement
2017. The Politics and Situatedness of Emerging Technologies. Ed.: D.M. Bowman, 1–8, AKA
Bowman, D. M.; Dijkstra, A.; Fautz, C.; Guivant, J. S.; Konrad, K.; Shelley-Egan, C.; Woll, S. (Eds.)
The politics and situatedness of emerging technologies
2017. AKA
The politics and situatedness of emerging technologies
2017. AKA
Book Chapters
Bowman, D. M.; Dijkstra, A.; Fautz, C.; Guivant, J. S.; Konrad, K.; Van Lente, H.; Woll, S.
Aspirations of responsibility for emerging technologies
2016. Responsibility and Emerging Technologies : Experiences, Education and Beyond. Ed.: D. Bowman, 1–8, AKA Verl
Aspirations of responsibility for emerging technologies
2016. Responsibility and Emerging Technologies : Experiences, Education and Beyond. Ed.: D. Bowman, 1–8, AKA Verl
Bowman, D. M.; Dijkstra, A.; Fautz, C.; Guivant, J. S.; Konrad, K.; Van Lente, H.; Woll, S. (Eds.)
Responsibility and Emerging Technologies : Experiences, Education and Beyond
2016. AKA-Verl
Responsibility and Emerging Technologies : Experiences, Education and Beyond
2016. AKA-Verl
Journal Articles
Fautz, C.; Böschen, S.; Hahn, J.; Hennen, L.; Jahnel, J.
Erfolgsbedingungen der Öffentlichkeitseinbindung in unterschiedlichen Innovationssettings
2016. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 25 (1), 73–77. doi:10.14512/tatup.25.1.73
Erfolgsbedingungen der Öffentlichkeitseinbindung in unterschiedlichen Innovationssettings
2016. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 25 (1), 73–77. doi:10.14512/tatup.25.1.73
Book Chapters
Bowman, D. M.; Dijkstra, A.; Fautz, C.; Guivant, J. S.; Konrad, K.; Lente, H. van; Woll, S.
Moving beyond concern: Practices of innovation and responsibility for emerging technologies
2015. Practices of Innovation and Responsibility : Insights from Methods, Governance and Action. Hrsg.: D. Bowman, 1–8, AKA
Moving beyond concern: Practices of innovation and responsibility for emerging technologies
2015. Practices of Innovation and Responsibility : Insights from Methods, Governance and Action. Hrsg.: D. Bowman, 1–8, AKA
Fautz, C.; Fleischer, T.; Ma, Y.; Liao, M.; Kumar, A.
Discourses on nanotechnology in Europe, China and India
2015. Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China. Hrsg.: M. Ladikas, 125–144, Springer
Discourses on nanotechnology in Europe, China and India
2015. Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China. Hrsg.: M. Ladikas, 125–144, Springer
Zhao, Y.; Fautz, C.; Hennen, L.; Srinivas, K. R.; Li, Q.
Public engagement in the governance of science and technology
2015. Ladikas, M. [Hrsg.] Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China Cham [u.a.] : Springer, 2015, 39–52
Public engagement in the governance of science and technology
2015. Ladikas, M. [Hrsg.] Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China Cham [u.a.] : Springer, 2015, 39–52
Bowman, D. M.; Dijkstra, A.; Fautz, C.; Guivant, J.; Konrad, K.; Lente, H. van; Woll, S.
Practices of innovation and responsibility : Insights from methods, governance and action
2015. Berlin : AKA GmbH, 2015 (Studies of New and Emerging Technologies / S.NET ; 6)
Practices of innovation and responsibility : Insights from methods, governance and action
2015. Berlin : AKA GmbH, 2015 (Studies of New and Emerging Technologies / S.NET ; 6)
Book Chapters
Coenen, C.; Dijkstra, A.; Fautz, C.; Guivant, J. S.; Konrad, K.; Milburn, C.; Lente, H. van; Woll, S.
Responsibility, innovation, and emerging fields of technoscience
2014. Coenen, C. [Hrsg.] Innovation and Responsibility : Engaging with New and Emerging Technologies Berlin : AKA GmbH, 2014 (Studies of New and Emerging Technologies ; 005), 1–5
Responsibility, innovation, and emerging fields of technoscience
2014. Coenen, C. [Hrsg.] Innovation and Responsibility : Engaging with New and Emerging Technologies Berlin : AKA GmbH, 2014 (Studies of New and Emerging Technologies ; 005), 1–5
Coenen, C.; Dijkstra, A.; Fautz, C.; Guivant, J.; Korad, K.; Milburn, C.; Lente, H. van
Innovation and responsibility : engaging with new and emerging technologies
2014. Berlin : AKA GmbH, 2014 (Studies of New and Emerging Technologies ; 005)
Innovation and responsibility : engaging with new and emerging technologies
2014. Berlin : AKA GmbH, 2014 (Studies of New and Emerging Technologies ; 005)
Fautz, C.
Science and technology governance and citizen participation
2014. Institute of Science, TechnologySociety, Chinese Academy of ScienceTechnology for Development (CASTED) (2014), Beijing, China, October 15, 2004
Science and technology governance and citizen participation
2014. Institute of Science, TechnologySociety, Chinese Academy of ScienceTechnology for Development (CASTED) (2014), Beijing, China, October 15, 2004
Fautz, C.
Science and technology and participation - which S&T policy is good for us?
2014. The CAU “Science-Technology-Society-Environment” ROSTRUM (2014), Beijing, China, October 10, 2014
Science and technology and participation - which S&T policy is good for us?
2014. The CAU “Science-Technology-Society-Environment” ROSTRUM (2014), Beijing, China, October 10, 2014
Fautz, C.
Citizen participation in science and technology governance - why and how?
2014. Seminars “Topics of publicscience”, Center for Science Communication, University of Beijing, Beijing, China, 18.10.2014 (2014), Beijing, China, October 18, 2014
Citizen participation in science and technology governance - why and how?
2014. Seminars “Topics of publicscience”, Center for Science Communication, University of Beijing, Beijing, China, 18.10.2014 (2014), Beijing, China, October 18, 2014
Fautz, C.
Citizen participation in S&T governance. Why and how
2014. Topics of Public and Science, Peking University, Beijing, China, October 16, 2014
Citizen participation in S&T governance. Why and how
2014. Topics of Public and Science, Peking University, Beijing, China, October 16, 2014
Fautz, C.
S&T governance and citizen participation
2014. Vortr.: Chines Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing, China, October 15, 2014
S&T governance and citizen participation
2014. Vortr.: Chines Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing, China, October 15, 2014
Fautz, C.
S&T participation. Which S&T policy is good for us?
2014. Vortr.: China Agricultural University, Beijing, China,October 10, 2014
S&T participation. Which S&T policy is good for us?
2014. Vortr.: China Agricultural University, Beijing, China,October 10, 2014
Fautz, C.
Citizen participation in the governance of new and emerging sciences and technologies. Hype, frustration and confusion
2014. Tsinhua’s Socielogy of Science and Policy for Science and Technology Salon, Beijing, China, September 17, 2014
Citizen participation in the governance of new and emerging sciences and technologies. Hype, frustration and confusion
2014. Tsinhua’s Socielogy of Science and Policy for Science and Technology Salon, Beijing, China, September 17, 2014
Fleischer, T.; Fautz, C.
A regional comparison of nanotech discourses. Ethical aspects of nanotechnology in China, Europe and India
2014. International Conference ’Ethics, Equity and Inclusion in Science and Technology: Global and Regional Perspectives’, New Delhi, IND, March 6-7, 2014
A regional comparison of nanotech discourses. Ethical aspects of nanotechnology in China, Europe and India
2014. International Conference ’Ethics, Equity and Inclusion in Science and Technology: Global and Regional Perspectives’, New Delhi, IND, March 6-7, 2014
Journal Articles
Fautz, C.
Case study Germany. Channels of public involvement
2013. GEST Project Team Newsletter, February (5), 4–5
Case study Germany. Channels of public involvement
2013. GEST Project Team Newsletter, February (5), 4–5
Fautz, C.
Case study EU: Discourses on nanotechnologies and underlying values
2013. Workshop ’Global Ethics in Science and Technology (GEST)’, Karlsruhe, April 17-18, 2013
Case study EU: Discourses on nanotechnologies and underlying values
2013. Workshop ’Global Ethics in Science and Technology (GEST)’, Karlsruhe, April 17-18, 2013
Fautz, C.
Taking stock: Applying the GEST value framework on nanotechnology case study
2013. Workshop ’Global Ethics in Science and Technology (GEST)’, Beijing, China, September 4-5, 2013
Taking stock: Applying the GEST value framework on nanotechnology case study
2013. Workshop ’Global Ethics in Science and Technology (GEST)’, Beijing, China, September 4-5, 2013
Journal Articles
Baumann, M.; Lichtner, P.; Boavida, N.; Fautz, C.; Dura, H.
“Renewable Energy Systems”: Role and Use of Parliamentary Technology Assessment. Liège, Belgium, June 25 - 28, 2012
2012. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 21 (3), 110–112. doi:10.14512/tatup.21.3.110
“Renewable Energy Systems”: Role and Use of Parliamentary Technology Assessment. Liège, Belgium, June 25 - 28, 2012
2012. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 21 (3), 110–112. doi:10.14512/tatup.21.3.110
Journal Articles
Coenen, C.; Fautz, C.
Analysing the Janus face of nanotechnology. Two recent contributions from Germany. - Omnibus review
2011. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 20 (1), 87–91. doi:10.14512/tatup.20.1.87
Analysing the Janus face of nanotechnology. Two recent contributions from Germany. - Omnibus review
2011. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 20 (1), 87–91. doi:10.14512/tatup.20.1.87