Paula Maria Bögel

Dr. Paula Maria Bögel

  • Scientific staff until 2022
  • resigned
  • Research group “Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change”
  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Fields of work

I am interested in the role of the individual in relation to - and in the context of - systemic, structural change and indeed resistance to change with regard to technological and social innovations in sustainability transitions. My studies on human behaviour in socio-technical transitions – be it consumers, employees, experts, politicians or the general public – help understanding why agents react in the way they do and how these behaviors can be transformed to improve social acceptance of new (sustainable) technologies and, thus, achieve a sustainable development.

On the internet

Scientific networks:


Professional background

2019 - 2022 Fellowship Young Investigator Group Preparation Program (Yig Prep Pro), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
2017 - 2019 Senior researcher, Urban Analytics and Transitions, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm (02/2018- 01/2019), and Post-doc, Chair for Human Behaviour & Sustainable Development, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
2016 Research assistant, project: “Simulation-based measurement and validation of a competence model for sustainability management”, Georg-August University Göttingen
2012 - 2016 Research assistant, Chair of Communication & PR, Institute of Corporate Development, Leuphana University of Lüneburg


Albiez, M.; Laborgne, P.; Stelzer, V.; Trenks, H.; Bögel, P. M.
Wie viel Technik vertragen Reallabore?
2024. 11. Konferenz des Netzwerks Technikfolgenabschätzung "Politikberatungskompetenzen heute" (NTA 2024), Berlin, Germany, November 18–20, 2024 
Laborgne, P.; Wagner, F.; Klöcker, P.; Beercroft, R.; Bögel, P.
Duale Beteiligungsmethoden: Chancen für inklusivere Reallaborarbeit
2024. "Reallabore – ExperimentierRäume für den Weg in eine nachhaltige Gesellschaft" (2024), Dresden, Germany, April 11–12, 2024 
Journal Articles
Trenks, H.; Bögel, P.; Laborgne, P.; Albiez, M.; Stelzer, V.
„Energy creates community “– how experimenting with balcony solar-modules can increase inclusiveness and diversity
2023. Energy, Environment and Societies in Crises: ESA RN12 mid-term and Energy and society Network. 6th Energy and Society Conference (2023), Trento, Italy, September 6–7, 2023 
Trenks, H.; Bögel, P. M.
How to facilitate individual role change in the energy transition: a socio-spatial approach in a real-world lab
2023. 8th NEST Conference : Re-imagining transitions: beyond established methods and concepts (2023), Dresden, Germany, June 30–July 1, 2023 
Science Communication on the Internet
Trenks, H.; Scholz, N.; Bögel, P. M.
Diversifying Power - revisited
Albiez, M.; Beecroft, R.; Bögel, P.; Fricke, A.; Klocker, P.; Laborgne, P.; Meyer-Soylu, S.; Ober, S.; Stelzer, V.; Trenks, H.; Wagner, F.; Wendeberg, E.
Neue Betreiligungsformate und Diversität
2022. tF-Symposium: Lösungen entwickeln und erproben (2022), Online, March 17, 2022 
Albiez, M.; Beecroft, R.; Bögel, P.; Fricke, A.; Klöcker, P.; Laborgne, P.; Meyer-Soylu, S.; Ober, S.; Stelzer, V.; Trenks, H.; Wagner, F.; Wendeberg, E.
Neue Beteiligungsformate und Diversität
2022. tF-Symposium: Lösungen entwickeln und erproben (2022), Online, March 17, 2022 
Albiez, M.; Beecroft, R.; Bögel, P.; Fricke, A.; Klöcker, P.; Laborgne, P.; Ober, S.; Trenks, H.; Wagner, F.; Wendeberg, E.
Neue Beteiligungsformate und Diversität
2022. Nachhaltig wirken: Reallabore in der Transformation (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2–3, 2022 
Laborgne, P.; Kloecker, P.; Stelzer, F.; Bögel, P.; Beecroft, R.
Dual Mode participation- Window of Opportunity for Inclusive Real-World Labs
2022. Corona Crisis and Beyond – Perspectives for Science, Scholarship and Society (2022), Hanover, Germany, December 5–7, 2022 
Laborgne, P.; Meyer-Soylu, S.; Ober, S.; Stelzer, V.; Trenks, H.; Wagner, F.; Wendeberg, E.; Albiez, M.; Beecroft, R.; Bögel, P.; Fricke, A.; Klöcker, P.; Parodi, O.
Auf der Suche nach Wegen einer inklusiven Gestaltung der sozial-ökologischen Transformation
2022. Alumni-Salon: Sozial-Ökologische Transformation (2022), Berlin, Germany, November 19, 2022 
Laborgne, P.; Wagner, F.; Albiez, M.; Bögel, P.; Beecroft, R.; Klöcker, P.
„Dual Mode Partizipation“ Die Pandemie als Möglichkeitsfenster für Methodeninnovationen in Reallaboren
2022. Nachhaltig wirken: Reallabore in der Transformation (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2–3, 2022 
Parodi, O.; Bögel, P.; Beecroft, R.; Seebacher, A.; Wagner, F.
Reallabore der nächsten Generation: für einen nachhaltigen und reflexiven Umgang mit technologischen Innovationen
2022. Nachhaltig wirken: Reallabore in der Transformation (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2–3, 2022 
Trenks, H.; Bögel, P.
How ca we make the impact of real-world labs measurable? : A socio-spatial perspective
2022. 13th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST 2022), Online, November 21–25, 2022 
Trenks, H.; Bögel, P.
Impact von Reallaboren messbar machen – ein sozio-räumlicher Ansatz am Beispiel eines Realexperiments zum Thema Energie
2022. Nachhaltig wirken: Reallabore in der Transformation (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2–3, 2022 
Trenks, H.; Bögel, P.; Laborgne, P.; Albiez, M.; Stelzer, V.
"OUR energy transitions“ – experimenting with balcony pv-modules for increasing inclusiveness and diversity
2022. 20th Annual STS Conference : Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies (2022), Graz, Austria, May 2–4, 2022 
Book Chapters
Upham, P.; Bögel, P. M.; Klapper, R. G.; Kašperová, E.
Theorising individual agency within sociotechnical sustainability transitions frames: a social psychological review
2021. Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. Ed.: S. Teerikangas, 29–45, Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781789906035.00007
Albiez, M.; Bögel, P.; Stelzer, V.; Trenks, H.
Die Vielschichtigkeit von Akzeptanzfragen im Karlsruher BalkonNetz
2021. HGF-Workshop "Technik und Akzeptanz" (2021), Online, October 11, 2021 
Bögel, P.; Albiez, M.; Trenks, H.; Stelzer, V.; Möller, A.
Von der Idee zum Realexperiment: Dein BalkonNetz
2021, July 27. Beyond Technology : Perspektivenwende in der Energietransformation (2021), Online, July 6–27, 2021 
Bögel, P. M.; Augenstein, K.; Levin-Keitel, M.; Upham, P.
An interdisciplinary perspective on scales and scaling in sustainability transitions: Connecting actors and space
2021. 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (2021), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 5–8, 2021 
Dobroć, P.; Bögel, P.; Upham, P.; Pereverza, K.; Kordas, O.
Urban sustainability transitions and the role of narratives in the sense-making processes
2021. 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (2021), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 5–8, 2021 
Bögel, P.; Albiez, M.; Stelzer, V.; Trenks, H.; Meier-Arendt, J.; Bentle, S.; Baumann, A.; Völker, S.; Hurst, C.; Kumlehn, C.
Dein Balkonnetz - Energie schafft Gemeinschaft
2021. Energiewendetage Baden-Württemberg (2021 2021), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 20, 2021 
Bögel, P.; Albiez, M.; Stelzer, V.; Trenks, H.; Meier-Arendt, J.; Bentle, S.; Baumann, A.; Völker, S.; Hurst, C.; Kumlehn, C.
Dein Balkonnetz - Energie schafft Gemeinschaft
2021. Energiewendetage Baden-Württemberg (2021 2021), Stuttgart, Germany, September 18, 2021 
Science Communication on the Internet
Trenks, H.; Bögel, P.; Muza, E.
Diversifying Power – wie ist das möglich?
2021, April 27 
Journal Articles
Upham, P.; Bögel, P. M.; Dütschke, E.; Burghard, U.; Oltra, C.; Sala, R.; Lores, M.; Brinkmann, J.
The revolution is conditional? The conditionality of hydrogen fuel cell expectations in five European countries
2020. Energy research & social science, 70, Article no: 101722. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2020.101722
Augenstein, K.; Bögel, P.; Levin-Keitel, M.
Dialogue Session: Scales and Scaling in Transitions
2020. 11th International Sustainability Transition conference (IST 2020), Vienna, Austria, August 18–21, 2020 
Bögel, P.; Silva, S.; Majer, J.; Pereverza, K.
Managing sustainability transitions – A synthesis of organizational change in transition literature and a research agenda
2020. 11th International Sustainability Transition conference (IST 2020), Vienna, Austria, August 18–21, 2020 
Pereverza, K.; Upham, P.; Bögel, P.; Silva, S.; Kordas, O.
Beyond projectification: shaping transformative innovation policy in the Swedish Viable Cities programme
2020. 11th International Sustainability Transition conference (IST 2020), Vienna, Austria, August 18–21, 2020 
Upham, P.; Klapper, R.; Kašperová, E.; Bögel, P.
Theorising individual agency within sociotechnical sustainability transitions frames
2020. 11th International Sustainability Transition conference (IST 2020), Vienna, Austria, August 18–21, 2020 
Bögel, P. M.; Pereverza, K.; Upham, P.; Kordas, O.
Connect to transform – Enabling transitions towards smart and sustainable cities
2019. 3. Digital Changemakers Summit: „Smart and Sustainable Cities“ (2019), Mannheim, Germany, October 18–19, 2019