Citizen forum kicked off [27.10.2014]
The first step has been made! On October 11th 2014, the ITAS project "District Future – Urban Lab" started the participatiory process "BürgerForum Nachhaltige Oststadt" (Citizen forum sustainable Oststadt) with a kick-off workshop in cooperation with the Karlsruhe city administration and the Bertelsmann Foundation.
Currently, citizens develop the kick-off workshop’s results further and vote for their priorities using the online platform You are cordially invited to join the discussion online.
The objective of the "BürgerForum Nachhaltige Oststadt" is to jointly design and manage the future development of Karlsruhe’s district Oststadt with the local citizens.
Together with its cooperation partners, the ITAS project "District Future – Urban Lab" calls for participation in the "BürgerForum Nachhaltige Oststadt". This project opens a space for developing ideas regarding the sustainable urban future of the quarter in cooperation with experts from science and practice as well as the District Future project team.
The BürgerForum started with a kick-off workshop on October 11th 2014. About 90 citizens participated and discussed the following topics:
- Housing and living in the neighborhood
- Focusing on everyday mobility
- Responsible ways of working and doing business
- Re-thinking energy – protecting the climate
- Urban society under change – improving the quality of life
All in all, the kick-off workshop resulted in twelve citizen suggestions, which are deliberated further in the two parts of the online phase. First, participants of the BürgerForum can discuss and finalize the suggestions until October 29th 2014. In the second phase until November 07th 2014, they can vote on the suggestions.
You are cordially invited to contribute to this online process. You prior registration at the online platform (German only) is required.
Developing a Citizen Program
Based on the finalized suggestions, a citizen program will be developed which contains recommendations for actions. On November 21st 2014, the citizen program will be presented to the public in a closing workshop at St. Bernhard church hall (Georg-Friedrich-Straße 19, 76131 Kalrsruhe) starting at 7 pm. Agreements will be made upon how to proceed with the citizen suggestions to implement them within the District Future project area with support from politics and science.
Please register via e-mail (buergerforum ∂does-not-exist.quartierzukunft de) to take part in this event.
The participatiory process "BürgerForum Nachhaltige Oststadt" follows the transdisciplinary approach of the research and development project "District Future – Urban Lab", which aims at an intense and activating participation in the horizon of a sustainable transformation of the district Karlsruhe-Oststadt.
Related links
- ITAS project "District Future – Urban Lab"
- BürgerForum Nachhaltige Oststadt (Citizen forum sustainable Oststadt)