Coenen, R. u. Simon, K.-H. (Eds.): Systemforschung - Politikberatung und öffentliche Aufklärung. (Systems research - policy advice and public enlightenment) [19.12.2011]
This book documents the trajectory of policy-oriented systems research in Germany, which is closely related to Helmut Krauch.
The publication is meant as a posthumous tribute to Helmut Krauch, who had deceased October 2010. His importance for systems research and technology assessment in Germany can be seen by the ten contributions from his pen collected and reprinted in this volume. Most contributions were first published between 1966 to 2004. The two editors, Reinhard Coenen, the longtime deputy director of ITAS, and Karl-Heinz Simon, director of the Center for Environmental Systems Research at the University of Kassel, represent the two places where the influence of Helmut Krauch is perhaps most evident. The book however offers more than a homage. By the contributions of former or still active ITAS colleagues systems research becomes visible as a living tradition of ITAS. This is underlined by Armin Grunwald, Director of ITAS, who has especially written a contribution for this anthology. In addition, the corpus of selected contributions and the associated thematic lines make up an excellent reader for anyone looking for a historical and practical introduction to technology assessment and system analysis. The publication is available for free download from the University of Kassel.
Bibliographic data:
Coenen, R.; Simon, K.-H. (Eds.)
Systemforschung. Politikberatung und öffentliche Aufklärung. Beiträge von und im Umfeld von Helmut Krauch und der Studiengruppe für Systemforschung. Kassel: university press 2011, ISBN: 978-3-86219-204-5, 2011, 474 p.