New Publication: Jürgen Kopfmüller (ed.): Ein Konzept auf dem Prüfstand. Das integrative Nachhaltigkeitskonzept in der Forschungspraxis [24.10.2006]

Ein Konzept auf dem Prüfstand

New Publication: Jürgen Kopfmüller (ed.): Ein Konzept auf dem Prüfstand. Das integrative Nachhaltigkeitskonzept in der Forschungspraxis. This publication is volume 12 in the ITAS book series on sustainability published by edition sigma.

This volume focuses mainly on the experiences of those research projects which applied the "integrative sustainability concept" developed by ITAS in cooperation with other institutes of Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. The projects presented cover a broad range of application fields and topics. This includes a local sustainability report system for the cities of Leipzig and Halle, the analysis of a regional food industry, the evaluation of stock exchange quoted enterprises in Austria, the issue of education for sustainable development, or research on megacities in Latin America. The authors of the articles describe and reflect conceptual and methodical strengths and weaknesses of the concept and how they added or introduced modifications to it. Some contributions also envisage further fields where the concept could be applied.

The publication addresses those already working on sustainability issues for a longer time with an interest to improve and enhance the concept and interested to learn from experiences with the implementation of the concept. On the other hand the publication aims at those who are planning to apply sustainability concepts but have not done so before. They will find information and hints for their work.

Bibliographic information:
Jürgen Kopfmüller (Hg.)
Ein Konzept auf dem Prüfstand. Das integrative Nachhaltigkeitskonzept in der Forschungspraxis. Berlin: edition sigma 2006, Reihe: Global zukunftsfähige Entwicklung - Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Bd. 12, ISBN 3-89404-582-5, 330 Seiten, 22,90 Euro
