Emerald grants an „Award for Excellence“ for a special issue about developments in the mobile sector to which ITAS-contributed [14.07.2005]
Emerald is a British scientific publisher which currently publishes more than 150 journal titles in the fields of management and information science. Emerald has granted an award for a special issue of one of the journals it publishes, „Info - The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media.“ The awarded issue addresses the topic of „Mobile futures - beyond 3G“ Arnd Weber and Bernd Wingert, ITAS, and colleagues have published in this issue an article about „Developments for 4G and European Policy“. This article addresses the threatened European position in the area of mobile communications. The authors write that value of radio infrastructures such as UMTS is being questioned by new technologies which are being developed and even deployed in Asia and in the US.
The publisher writes about the special issue: „As an example of a leading edge technical special issue this is excellent and contains some of the very latest thinking on where mobile communications are going. Lessons are learned from some of Europe's leading exponents. There are five well-researched reports on current trends and strategic positioning. The issue is completely up-to-date - the literature cited dates from 2003 and 2004. The coverage moves from the current technologies into the future looking at the Japanese 2.5G mobile data services, 3G and 4G business models, European policy issues for 4G telecommunications, and, relevant EU technology research. This is a well-rounded issue of real value to regulators and managers involved in management policy and strategy development.“
Bibliographic information:
Weber, Arnd; Bohlin, Erik; Lindmark, Sven; Wingert, Bernd
Developments for 4G and European Policy. In: info, the journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media, 6/2004, S. 383-387
- More about the Emerald Awards 2005 here
- Emerald Outstanding Special Issues 2005 here
- Table of contents of the “Special Issue: Mobile futures - beyond 3G“ number 6, 2004 of “Info - The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications“ here
- The EU-project's final report: „The Future of Mobile Technologies in EU: Assessing 4G Developments“ here
- Personal homepages of Arnd Weber Bernd Wingert