ITAS celebrates its 10th anniversary [01.07.2005]
Ten years ago the Department of Applied Systems Analysis (Abteilung für Angewandte Systemanalyse - AFAS) of Research Centre Karlsruhe (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) was revalued and turned into ITAS, the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis. On the occasion of this anniversary ITAS looks back and takes a look ahead. Therefore the ITAS yearbook 2004/2005 includes a detailed chronology from the early days of systems analysis to the present day, and a selection of 16 reprints aiming to give an idea of 1o years of research at ITAS. The future will be addressed the 7th of July in a Colloquium, in which Prof. Dr. Manfred Popp, chairman of the board of management of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, and Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ulrich von Weizsäcker, MdB, will give keynote speeches.
First of all ITAS is made up of the people who work there
Picture taken 02.06.2005 (ITAS Jahrbuch 2003 / 2004, S. 8)
On the photo you can see: Achternbosch, Matthias; Bechmann, Gotthard; Bechmann, Martin; Böhle, Knud; Decker, Michael; Dusseldorp, Marc; Fleischer, Torsten; Fürniß, Beate; Gloede, Fritz; Grunwald, Armin (director; first row, second from left); Halbritter, Günter; Hauser, Robert; Hoffmann, Brigitte; Kälber, Stefan; Kappler, Gunnar; Kopfmüller, Jürgen; Krings, Bettina-Johanna; Kullmann, Margareta; Kupsch, Christel; Laier, Waltraud; Lange, Stephan; Lehn, Helmut; Leible, Ludwig; Meyer, Rolf; Neu-Thoss, Charlotte; Nieke, Eberhard; Orwat, Carsten; Parodi, Oliver; Petermann, Gabriele; Proplesch, Peter; Raab, Konrad; Riehm, Ulrich; Rösch, Christine; Sardemann, Gerhard; Schmidt-Leis, Bettina; Schulz, Volkhard; Stelzer, Volker; Weber, Arnd; Werner, Matthias; Wingert, Bernd; Woll, Tobias.
The following colleagues are not on the photo: Berg, Ingrid von; Besson, Edith; Bräutigam, Klaus-Rainer; Coenen, Christopher; Fiedeler, Ulrich; Goelsdorf, Brigitta-Ulrike; Grünwald, Reinhard; Hartlieb, Nicola; Hennen, Leonhard; Hocke-Bergler, Peter; Jörissen, Juliane; Kaufmann, Gabriele; Klein-Vielhauer, Sigrid; Mäule, Monika; Oertel, Dagmar; Paskaleva-Shapira, Krassimira; Petermann, Thomas; Rader, Michael; Rastätter, Gaby; Revermann, Christoph; Sauter, Arnold; Scherz, Constanze.
- More about the persons and their work is available at their web-pages here