The emerging European Information Society is creating new social risks - A new publication on work, organization and social exclusion [03.03.2003]

The present volume "Across the Divide. Work, Organisation and Social Exclusion in the European Information Society" provides a deep insight into a comprehensive EU project (SOWING), in which ITAS took part with research groups from seven European partner countries. The project was led by the Work Research Centre of the University of Tampere, Finland.

The theoretical concept at the core of the project is "technological practice", which attempts to unite the technical and social spheres. It describes structural and actor-related aspects of the use of information technology in the organisation and work processes of enterprises. The question of whether and how the application of information technologies may lead to mechanisms excluding certain groups of employees is examined critically in this connection. The introductory contribution by Gerd Schienstock explains this concept. Following an introductory section on concepts, this complex discussion takes place mainly from two different perspectives: change in the nature of work in connection with the phenomenon of social exclusion and organisational change. Contributions on e-government add to this debate. The book is an up-to-date stock-taking of the multi-faceted and topical debate on the "information society". It is based mainly on revised contributions to the final conference on the SOWING project, which took place in Karlsruhe in November 2000.

Bibliographic details:
Gotthard Bechmann, Bettina-Johanna Krings, Michael Rader (eds.) :
Across the Divide - Work, Organization and Social Exclusion in the European Information Society. Berlin: edition sigma, 2003 (Gesellschaft - Technik - Umwelt, Neue Folge 3), ISBN: 3-89404-933-2, 272 Seiten, 19,90 Euro

Contents here Introduction here


  • Informations about the project SOWING: here
  • The homepages of the editors: Bechmann, Krings, Rader
  • The titel of the ITAS-Buchreihe "Gesellschaft - Technik - Umwelt": here
  • The Web site of edition sigma: here