Volume 4 of the series "Wissenschaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung" published, edited by John Grin and Armin Grunwald [09.12.1999]
J. Grin, A. Grunwald (Eds.):
Vision Assessment: Shaping Technology in 21st Century Society.
Towards a Repertoire for Technology Assessment.
Berlin u.a.: Springer Verlag, 2000. 192pp., ISBN 3-540-66633-8
The book takes up the challenge of the role of technology in the first half of the 21st century .The assumption is that one way to shape socio-technological systems is through visions that guide their development, especially concerning the long-term societal perspective. A critical discussion and assessment oft these visions is a prerequisite for influencing the course of development. Technology assessment, therefore, has to provide a methodological repertoire for assessing and contructing visions, taking into account the requirements for long-term orientation and the need for public legitimation. This volume draws upon insights from technology assessment, political science, epistemology, sociology and ethics.