TA-Database-Newsletter No 2, July 1999, online [07.09.1999]
The focal theme of the July edition of the TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten is devoted to the topic of "climate policy". The present state of the international climate negotiations and the consequences of the proposed measures for greenhouse gas emission reductions are described. A research project of the European Academy for the Study of the Consequences of Scientific and Technical Advance, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, on climate prediction and protection which has recently been started, and the main issues raised in a Working Paper of the European Commission on "Climate Change and the Challenge for Research and Technological Development (RTD) Policy" are presented. Two detailed book reviews - H. Graßl: "Wetterwende" and Ch. Pfister "Wetternachhersage" - and further references to recently published literature in the field conclude this focal theme.
Two of the TA studies presented in this issue deal with the relationship between environmental protection and employment (Prognos AG, Basel, and Centre for European Economic Studies, Mannheim). In two other contributions the present "foresight activitities" in Great Britain and Austria are presented. On this topic, this number also contains an interesting report on the international conference on "Foreward Thinking" held in Hamburg in June this year.
In addition to the other contributions on TA-relevant institutions and programmes, new TA projects and progress reports, the book reviews and conference reports the section "News from ITAS" offers a.o. a report on the project funded by the strategy fund of the Hermann-von-Helmholtz Association for German Research Centres (HGF) on "Sustainable global development - Perspectives for Germany" led by ITAS.
Contributions in English language
This issue of the TA newsletter contains an article in English on the "Workplan 1999 of the Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA) Unit" of the European Commission. In addition, the "Books in brief" and the "Event announcements" segments contain, as usual, contributions in English language.