Gerhard Banse, Oliver Parodi, Axel Schaffer

Interdependenzen zwischen kulturellem Wandel und nachhaltiger Entwicklung

Karlsruhe: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 2009 (Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA 7497), ISSN 0947-8620, 145 Seiten
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Interdepencies between Cultural Change and Sustainable Development

Step by step, the cultural perspective is becoming an aspect in the debates on sustainable development. This publication provides a sound scientific contribution to that debate by opening up the subject of cultural sustainability in an interdisciplinary way without hasty restrictions or exclusions.

Based on this principle, the subject is discussed in the conflicting fields of cultural heritage, globalisation and technological change. At the same time, such an emerging topic also requires a detailed methodological discussion which finally aims at an adequate specification of the subject. Therefore texts relating to cultural sciences are as essential as conceptual contributions from the field of sustainability research.

The common goal of these contributions, which were put up for discussion during the 9th Weimar Colloquium in 2008, is to identify the importance of culture and/or cultural change for a sustainable development. However, a final conclusion on this is neither possible nor intended at this point of time. The contributions approach the concept of cultural sustainability from different perspectives and disciplines; a concept which mainly concentrates on the question how a cultural change that leads our societies to a sustainable development can be initiated.


Erstellt am: 18.09.2009 - Kommentare an: webmaster