Kulturlabor Freiburg (Culture Lab Freiburg)

Project description

What does a sustainable, future-oriented promotion of art and culture look like? This question is being addressed by the City of Freiburg’s Department of Cultural Affairs in the form of a multi-layered participatory process that is intended to result in a realignment of Freiburg’s cultural policy and funding. Addressing the issue of sustainability and sustainability transformations in the field of art and culture is not only limited to a cognitive and linguistic level, but also involves a very practical approach in the form of experiments. The framework for this multi-layered examination is the “Kulturlabor” (culture lab) – a real-world lab in the field of art and culture, which has been created specifically for this purpose in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change in 2021 and is being implemented from 2022 onwards.

The culture lab is clearly oriented towards cultural practice and is divided into three fields of action: “experiments”, “discourse space”, and “culture code”. These three fields of action are closely interlinked.

“Experiments” in the culture lab refer to experimental work in the planning and realization of modified artistic formats and events, new focuses in the creation, distribution, and presentation of art and culture, which take up and implement one or more aspects of sustainability.

In the “discourse space”, topics relevant to cultural policy will be explored and negotiated in suitable event forums with those involved in the culture lab and the interested public.

The findings from the fields of action “discourse space” and “experiments” form the basis for the culture code. The new “code” (= “written down as a document”) will contain sustainable cultural policy principles and funding policy measures that will provide a binding framework for funders and recipients, i.e., for cultural practitioners, administration, and politics.

The new code is intended to establish sustainable art and culture funding with sector-specific principles and practice-oriented handling for the funded cultural sector in Freiburg.

The participants of the culture lab consist of artists, cultural practitioners, cultural activists, cultural administrators, and other actors from the culture-related educational and social sector.

With its experience and expertise in real-world lab work, the Karlsruhe Transformation Center played a key role in the development of the culture lab (2021) and is involved in its implementation from 2022 as part of the steering group. Furthermore, it organizes the (formative) scientific support of the experiments, on the one hand to accompany the experiments in their examination of the topic of sustainability, and on the other hand to translate findings from the experiments into impulses for the emerging culture code.


Parodi, O.
„Deep Sustainability" – Auf dem Weg zu einer Kulturtheorie der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation
2024. KAT Schweighofen (2024), Schweighofen, Germany, April 23–24, 2024 
Parodi, O.
„Deep Sustainability“ als Deutungsschema zur Orientierung von Reallabor-Arbeit
2024. "Reallabore – ExperimentierRäume für den Weg in eine nachhaltige Gesellschaft" (2024), Dresden, Germany, April 11–12, 2024 
Parodi, O.; Ober, S.; Lang, D. J.
Reallabor und Realexperiment - Eine theoretische Unterscheidung
2024. "Reallabore – ExperimentierRäume für den Weg in eine nachhaltige Gesellschaft" (2024), Dresden, Germany, April 11–12, 2024 
Book Chapters
Parodi, O.; Seebacher, A.
Ethische Aspekte der Reallaborarbeit
2023. Interventionen in Reallaboren : Ein Handbuch für die Praxis. Hrsg.: S. L’Orange Seigo, 53–59, ETH Zürich 
Parodi, O.; Steglich, A.; Bylund, J.
Real-World Lab
2023. Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning. Ed.: T. Philipp, 287–296, transcript Verlag 
Parodi, O.; Wamsler, C.; Dusseldorp, M.
Personal Sustainability
2023. Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning. Ed.: T. Philipp, 277–286, transcript Verlag 
Parodi, O.; Wendeberg, E.
Das Leitbild Nachhaltige Entwicklung
2023. Interventionen in Reallaboren : Ein Handbuch für die Praxis. Hrsg.: S. L’Orange Seigo, 44–52, ETH Zürich 
Stauffacher, M.; Schäpke, N.; Parodi, O.
Was ist ein Reallabor?
2023. Interventionen in Reallaboren : Ein Handbuch für die Praxis. Hrsg.: S. L’Orange Seigo, 13–18, ETH Zürich 
Journal Articles
Parodi, O.; Schwichtenberg, R.; Stelzer, F.; Rhodius, R.; Schreider, C.; von Wirth, T.; Lang, D. J.; Marg, O.; Wagner, F.; Egermann, M.; Bauknecht, D.; Wanner, M.
Stellungnahme des Netzwerks Reallabore der Nachhaltigkeit zur Reallabore-Gesetz-Initiative
2023. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 32 (4), 399–401. doi:10.14512/gaia.32.4.14Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Parodi, O.
Reallabor und Realexperimente: Auf dem Weg zu einer Typologie des Experimentierens
2023. Workshop „Experimentieren in offenen Systemen – zur Epistemologie von Reallaboren (II)" (2023), Bielefeld, Germany, October 20, 2023 
Parodi, O.
On the way to a cultural theory of sustainability transformation
2023, July 2. Kick-off Belmont-Projekt CO-SFSC (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2, 2023 
Parodi, O.
Nachhaltigkeit und Kultur - einige wesentliche Beziehungen
2023. Green Culture Auftakt (2023), Reutlingen, Germany, January 25, 2023 
Parodi, O.; Maier, F.
Kulturlabor Freiburg - mit Realexperimenten zu einer nachhaltigen Kunst- und Kulturförderung?
2023, July 29. Bundesgartenschau Mannheim (2023), Mannheim, Germany, April 14–October 8, 2023 
Parodi, O.; Schwichtenberg, R.; Stelzer, F.; Rhodius, R.; Schreider, C.; Wirth, T. von; Lang, D.; Marg, O.; Wagner, F.; Egermann, M.; Bauknecht, D.; Wanner, M.
Stellungnahme des Netzwerks „Reallabore der Nachhaltigkeit“ zur Initiative des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) für ein Reallabore-Gesetz
2023. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 
Parodi, O.
Wissen schafft Nachhaltigkeit: Experimentieren für die Transformation
2022. Gastvortrag "Wissenschaft transformiert: verantwortliches Handeln", Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (2022), Lüneburg, Germany, December 19, 2022 
Parodi, O.
Nachhaltige Entwicklung - und ich?
2022. Lutherforum (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, November 9, 2022 
Parodi, O.
Nachhaltigkeitstransformation als kulturelles Tiefenphänomen
2022. Jahrestagung 2022 der Vereinigung für Ökologische Ökonomie e.V. (VÖÖ) "Wachstum und/oder Nachhaltigkeit: Bestandsaufnahme für eine Post-2030-Agenda" (2022), Stuttgart, Germany, October 21, 2022 
Parodi, O.
Wie wir zu Pionieren des Wandels werden können
2022. Baden-Badener Dialoge "Vortrag und Vernissage zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit" (2022), Baden-Baden, Germany, October 20, 2022 


Dr. Oliver Parodi
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608-26816